Statii de metrou - Arhitectura ascunsa

Toate marile orase ale lumii au reteaua lor de metrou. In cele mai multe cazuri sunt doar infrastructuri functionale prin care mii de oameni trec zilnic. In alte cazuri, cum ar fi Moscova, liniile si statiile au o arhitectura grandioasa si retro, unde oamenii se simt ca oaspetii la o gala.

Statiile de metrou din Varsovia si unele linii moderne de metrou din Munchen.

Metroul din Rotterdam si Bilbao.

Statie de metrou la Stockholm.


Cape Liberty Cruise Port, New Jersey

Cape Liberty are privelisti de neegalat spre Statuia Libertatii, New York Harbor si Manhattan.

Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope (cazare)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope 
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The Whistling Swan in Stanhope 
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn (interior)
Cape Liberty Cruise Port - The DeBary Inn (interior)


Scotia, istorie si frumusete

Storm rock formation, Isle of Skye.
Grampian Mountains, Scotland.
Dunnottar Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Castle Urquhart overlooking Loch Ness.
George Square, Glasgow.
Edinburgh's Royale Mile
Scalloway Castle
Callanish Standing Stones
Crofting cottage
Edinburgh Castle and Old Town.
Sligachan Bridge
Royal Mile
Tibbie Shiels Inn
Ring of Steall Mamores, Lochaber.
Edinburgh Grassmarket
Tomb of  Mary Queen of Scots in Museum of Scotland.


Cele mai frumoase fantani din Europa

Swarovski Fountain, Austria.
Charybdis, Anglia.
Stravinsky Fountain, Paris.
Tivoli Villa d'Este, Italia.
Grand Cascade, Rusia.
